Since the Department of the Environment introduced Planning Policy Guidance Note 16 (PPG16, 1990) the protection of archaeological remains has been incorporated into the planning system. As a result, planning conditions may be attached to proposed developments were the presence of significant archaeological remains is suspected or demonstrated. In this event the services of an archaeological contractor, like Benchmark Archaeology, are required.

We have the expertise to carry out all forms of archaeological excavationof any period and in any environment, from inception to production of a comprehensive report. For instance, we can provide archaeological monitoring for smaller developments requiring a Watching-Brief; perform limited excavations involving trial-trenching and test-pitting/sieving exercises for Evaluations, and carry out major open area Excavations for larger developments. We also undertake archaeological investigations in Historic Gardens and environs.

We specialise in working on logistically complex and sensitive projects where especially close co-operation with contractors, consultants, curators and the public is required. Benchmark Archaeology understands the pressures facing the developer and we aim to minimise any delays caused by archaeological constraints, whilst ensuring the highest professional standards in archaeology.

All projects are carried out in accordance with PPG 16 (DOE, 1990) and the guidelines and recommendations issued by The Institute of Field Archaeologists and English Heritage.